Saturday 24 May 2014

Kek Buah Kukus

Resipi: Rasa Edisi Bumper Jun 2014
250g mentega
140g gula pasir * dijadikan gula perang (Kim guna 170g gula pasir)
50ml air panas *
500g buah-buahan campurang kering
3 biji telur saiz A (Kim guna 4 biji saiz kecil)
1 sudu teh ekstrak vanila

Bahan Ayak:
350g tepung gandum
1 sudu teh krim tartar
2 sudu teh soda bikarbonat
1 sudu teh serbuk buah pala (Kim guna serbuk buah pala + all spice dijadikan 1 sudu teh)

Masak gula pasir bersama 50ml air panas hingga menjadi perang.
Kemudian masukkan mentega dan biarkan cair.
Kacau lagi sehingga sebati.
Masukkan pula buah-buahan campuran dan biarkan mendidih seketika.  Ketepikan.
Masukkan kesemua bahan ayak sedikit demi sedikit dan pukul hingga sebati.
Dalam bekas berasingan, pukul telur hingga kembang kemudian masukkan kedalam adunan tepung. Kacau sebati.
Tuangkan ke dalam loyang dan kukus selama 2 jam. Kim guna selam 3 1/2 jam, bahagian permukaan kek ditutup dengan aluminium foil dan loyang dilapik dengan kertas minyak.

Ubi Kayu dan Sambal Cili Hijau

Sumber: Mat Gebu
1 genggam ikan bilis, bersihkan dan rendam
1/2 camca besar pes asam jawa
1 biji bawang holland dihiris kasar
Garam dan gula secukup rasa
Sedikit serbuk perasa (jika suka)

Bahan-bahan dikisar:
150g cili hijau
10 biji cili padi hijau kampung
1 kiub ikan bilis
6 biji bawang merah
3 ulas bawang putih
3 biji buah keras, hiris

Dalam alat pengisar (blender), masukkan bawang merah, bawang putih, kiub ikan bilis dan buah keras.
Tuang sedikit air dan kisar hingga halus.  
Tambah cili padi dan cili hijau (patah-patahkan) dan kisar sekejap, tak perlu sampai cili terlalu lumat, setakat hancur sudah memadai, ketepikan.
Panaskan minyak dalam kuali, tumis bahan-bahan kisar tadi, masak hingga garing dan terbit minyak.
Guna api kecil dan kacau selalu.
Masukkan pes asam jawa, kacau dan tambah ikan bilis (toskan dan perah).  Kacau rata.
Tambah garam secukup rasa, sedikit gula dan serbuk perasa (jika guna).
Masukkan hirisan bawang holland.
Kacau dan masak sehingga bawang lembut.  Rasa baru boleh dimatikan api.
Hidangkan bersama ubi rebus.

Ubi Rebus:
Ubi kayu secukupnya
Sambal tumis sebagai pencicah

Ubi kayu dicuci, buang kulitnya dan kemudian kerat pendek-pendek.
Jika saiz agak besar bolehlah dibelah dua setiap keratan, cuci sekali lagi dan toskan.
Masukkan ke dalam periuk, isi air hingga ubi tenggelam.
Letak garam sedikit dan rebus hingga ubi empuk.
Nota: Jika ubi yang bagus ia kan empuk dan berkanji 

Nota Kim:
Sambal cili hijau boleh juga dimakan dengan ubi goreng.
Ubi dibersih, digaulkan dengan sedikit garam dan serbuk kunyit.
Goreng ubi sehingga empuk, angkat dan bolehlah dicicah dengan sambal cili hijau 


Source: Nasi Lemak Lover / Helena Kitchen
Makes: 13 pcs
185g all purpose flour
35g rice flour
35g corn flour or tapioca flour
35 butter (salted - Kim used cool margerine)
35g cooking oil or vegetable oil
90g icy cold water

450g potato, peeled and diced
1 medium onion, diced
200g chicken breast cut into small pieces, marinate with 1/2 tbsp curry powder
1 tbsp curry powder
1/2 tbsp chili powder
3 tbsp vegetable oil
3 sprigs curry leaves
1 cup water ( + / - )
1 tsp salt
1 tsp chicken powder
1 tsp fish sauce

To cook filling:
Marinated chicken breast with 1 tbsp curry powder for 1 hour.
Heat oil in wok, add in curry leaves and onion.
Saute onion until translucent then add in potatoes.
Cook until potatoes has changed colour or the edges then add chicken breast, stir fry for 3-2 mins then add in curry powder and chili powder.  Add water and bring to boil.
Add salt, sugar, chicken powder and fish sauce to taste, then turn the heat down and cook until potatoes is soften and the liquid has reduced and form a dry paste.
Cool completely before use.

In large mixing bowl, bring 3 types of flours together and mix well.  Set aside.
Rub in butter with flours until crumble, then add in cooking oil, to mix well.
Pour icy cold water over flours, mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula in the mixing bowl.
Then lightly knead till soft dough, do not over work. (Kim used plastic wrap and lightly knead for awhile only).
Cover dough with plastic wrap and rest for at least 15 minutes.

Rendang Kambing


Resipi oleh:  Editorial Rasa 7 Ogos 2013
1 kg daging kambing - dipotong kecil
1 kg santan
100g kerisik
Serbuk kunyit sedikit (Kim tambah)
100g gula kabung atau boleh digantikan gula merah (tak letak sebab rasa santan dah cukup manis & lemak)
4 helai daun kunyit (tak letak)
100g lengkuas diketuk
6 batang serai diketuk
Garam secukup rasa

Bahan-bahan kisar:
100g cili kering
30g biji ketumbar * (Kim sangai dulu sebelum dikisar, AWAS jangan hangus semasa disangai)
30g biji jintan manis *
30g biji jintan putih *

Bahan Hiris:
100g bawang merah
60g bawang putih
50g halia

Masukkan daging kambing bersama sedikit air, serai, lengkuas dan serbuk kunyit ke dalam periuk.
Biarkan masak dan mendidih hingga airnya kering.
Kemudian masukkan bahan hiris dan juga bahan kisar.
Kacau sebati dan biarkan mesra dengan daging kambing.
Setelah itu masukkan santan bersama gula kabung serta daun kunyit.
Apabila daging empuk dan kuahnya mulai kering, masukkan kerisik dan kacau rata.
Perasakan dengan garam secukup rasa, rasa dan angkat

Kepak Ayam Sarang Emas

Kepak Ayam in tak hangus ya...lauk untuk dilatah begitu jer.  Kalau tak teringin nak makan nasi sesekali makan ayam goreng pun sedap jugak.

Recipe sourced: Tyler Florence Sweet Potato Matchsticks 
Peanut or vegetable oil, for deep frying
3 to 4 sprigs rosemary
3 to 4 sprigs fresh sage
6 sprigs fresh thyme
4 to 6 cloves garlic, separated but unpeeled
2 to 3 large sweet potatoes
Cajun seasoning
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon smoked paprika
Pinch of cayenne
1 teaspoon kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Begin by putting in oil, herbs and garlic in a heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat.
Bring the oil up to 365F then remove the herbs and garlic with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.
They should be nice and crackly at this stage,  Reserve for garnish.
Using a mandoline, cut the sweet potatoes into matchsticks.  Put in a large bowl of ice water to remove any starch.
Soak for a few minutes and rinse with fresh cold water until it runs clear.
Darin the matchsticks and pat dry in a kitchen towel, to remove as much water as possible.
Fry in 365F oil, in small batches, until crispy and golden, 2 to 3 minutes.
Transfer for paper cones, resting in cups and season with Cajun spice mix.
Peel the garlic cloves and sprinkle over the matchsticks along with the fried herbs before serving.
Cajun seasoning:
Mix all the ingredients together in a small bowl.

Cajun Spice Mix - recipe sourced: by Cheryl Smith
1/4 cup kosher salt
1/4 cup cayenne
1/4 cup paprika
1/4 cup garlic granules
1/4 cup ground black pepper
2 tablespoons onion granules
2 tablespoons oregano, dry
2 tablespoons thyme, dry

Mix all ingredients and store in a jar.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Masala Mixture

Kara Boondi
Source: Rak's Kitchen

1 cup gram flour / kadala maavu
1/2 cup rice flour
1 tiny pinch soda bicarbonate
salt as needed
2 tsp coarse pepper powder
4 flakes garlic with skin
1 sprig curry leaves
6-8 cashew nuts
2 tablespoon groundnuts (i used roasted nuts)
1 tsp ghee - i used margerine
Oil for deep frying

Mix gram flour, rice, cooking soda, salt well (sieve if possible) and add water gradually to make a batter like bajji batter. Slightly thin that that, maybe 1 tablespoon more water.
Heat oil in kadai, you will be needing two big ladles with holes.
One for making boondi and more for draining from oil.  Use another deep ladle to spoon the batter.  Pour one ladle of batter over the ladle with hole holding it just above the oil and spread it.
Wipe the ladles.  Fry with constant turning to ensure even cooking and drain once the bubbles ceases and shhh sounds reduces or until golden colour.
Drain using other big slotted ladle in kitchen towel.  Repeat the process to finish the remaining batter.
Heat another pan, add ghee, when hot, add broken cashews, peanuts is using and fry till golden.  Then add curry leaves and well crushed garlic (with skin) and fry till nice aroma rises and add half of the pepper powder, give a quick stir and switch off the flame.  Add this to the boondi, add the remaining pepper powder and little more salt and toss well to get all mixed.

Notes from Rak's Kitchen:
You can add crushed garlic or asafoetida, if you want can add a little.
If you like red chili powder version, add 1 tsp to the batter and 1/2 tsp while tossing.  Others the same.
If the batter is too thick, you will get boondis wtih tail.  So add more water and try.
If the batter is too watery then the boondis may fall flat.  So add more gram flour and try.
Cooking soda is added for crispiness.  Since i use more rice flour, use very very tiny pinch of cooking soda.

Oma podi
Source: Rak's Kitchen

1 cup Gram flour/kadalai mavu  
1/2 cup rice flour
1 tablespoon butter - i used margerine
2-3 tablespoons hot oil
1/8 cup Ajwain/Omam
Salt as needed
Oil for deep frying

Dry roast omam, just till warm and powder it in the mixer.  Then add 1/4 cup water and grind again.  Filter this and keep aside.
Sieve gram flour and rice flour together and add salt, butter, hot oil and the omam extract and mix well.
Then add water as neeeded (careful needs very less) and mix well form a sticky dough.
Press though the omapodi/idiyappam press in heated oil (oil should be heated just right, i.e. if you add a pinch of dough it should raise up immediately, dont heat till oil fuming).
Form a circle in the oil and make sure you don't overlapped.
Turn carefully immediately and cook till the bubbles ceases (takes very less time, less than a minute)
Drain in paper towel and repeat the process for rest of the dough.
If you find it difficult to press though, then sprinkle a little water to loosen the dough.
Keep in an airtight container after cooling down, tastes bet from the next day.

Kara sev
Source: Rak's Kitchen

1 cup, heaped gram flour / kadala mavu
3/4 cup rice flour
1/4 teaspoon asafoetida powder
1/8 teaspoon turmeric powder
2 teaspoon pepper, crushed coarsely
1 teaspoon jeera/cumin seeds
2 tablespoons butter,softened - i used margerine
Salt as needed
Oil for deep frying

Sieve gram flour it it has any lumps.  Take both flours in a bowl, melt butter and add it to it.
Add crushed pepper and jeera, salt, turmeric and asafoetida.  Mix well, add enough water to make a stiff dough but there should not be any cracks.  Make as a smooth dough.
Take the murukku press with the same plate we use the make murukku.  Fill the press with dough and press in hot oil large circles.  Do not make too many layers just two circles.  Fry in medium flame on both sides till the bubbles and shhh sounds ceases.
Notes from Rak's Kitchen
You can do the authentic way in which the dough is rubbed through a big ladles with holes.  But i found it difficult as i had only a small ladle and could not bear the heat, so this is the easier way.  No big difference too. Eat after a day to enjoy the pepper flavour fully. Store in air tight container.  Drain in paper towel and break roughly into pieces.  

Sandwich Ayam


Roti secukupnya

Bahan untuk sapuan:
Mentega sapuan secukupnya

Bahan-bahan untuk inti, digaul rata:
Salad dihiris
Isi ayam dipotong dadu
Timun dipotong dadu
Celery dipotong dadu
Minyak zaitun
Lada hitam
Sedikit garam
Mayonis secukupnya

Saturday 10 May 2014

Popiah Blackpepper

1 bungkus kulit popiah
1 biji sengkuang kecil 
1 biji lobak merah
1/2 biji kobis manis
1 biji bawang merah besar dihiris
Sedikit minyak untuk menumis
Minyak untuk menggoreng
Air jika perlu sedikit sahaja

Bahan pelekat:
Tepung jagung secukupnya dibancuh dengan air sedikit

Bahan-bahan sos, digaul sebati:
Blackpepper sos
Sos tiram sedikit
Sos hoisin sedikit
(Tidak perlu bubuh garam)

Masukkan sedikit minyak dikuali, tumiskan bawang merah sehingga layu, masukkan sengkuang, lobak merah dan kobis manis, kacau sebati.
Masukkan bahan-bahan sos, masak sehingga kering.
Angkat dan sejukkan.
Setelah sejuk bolehlah digulungkan diatas kulit popiah lalu digoreng sehingga kekuningan.
Angkat dan toskan minyak.
Hidangkan bersama sos blackpepper.

Almost Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies

Sourced & adapted from Bisous A Toi /
To refrigerate at least 2 hours or the night before:
1 egg ( I used C grade )
1/2 tsp coffee oil (this is the one that gives the cookie its distinctive fragrance)
1 tsp vanilla extract
At least 2 hours or night before, beat egg with vanilla and coffee oil to infuse.
If done the night before refrigerate and then bring it to room temperature before mixing.

250g salted butter, softened / unsalted
200g light brown sugar ( I used 150g light brown sugar )
1/4 tsp salt for salted butter / 1/2 tsp for unsalted butter
1/4 cup oats, processed to bits in chopper / Nestum ( I used rolled oats )
1/4 cup ground almond
1/4 cup of your favourite nuts, chopped finely (optional) ( I used walnuts )
1 pack of Nestle TollHouse semi-sweet chocolate chips or chocolate chunks
300g self raising flour

Pre heat oven to 160C.
Beat butter, sugar and salt to combine.
Beat in egg (refrigerate) and stir in the processed oats, ground almond, chopped nuts (if used) and the chocolate chunks.
Sift flour and fold it in.
For small cookies, place half tsp dough, spaced slightly apart on the cookie sheet and bake for 9 to 10 minutes.
For large cookies, place rounded tbsp of the dough spaced apart on the cookie sheet and bake for 20 to 22/25 minutes.  Or you can placed 10g dough for each cookie and baked for about 20 minutes.
Cool completely before serving.
To allow the flavour and fragrance to develop further, store cookies in an airtight container overnight before serving.

Oatmeal and Golden Raisin Cookies

Source: The Family Meal
1 1/4 cups All Purpose Flour
2/3 cup sugar ( I used 1/4 cup light brown sugar )
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup golden raisins
1/2 cup unsalted butter
2 tbsp light corn syrup

1 egg ( I used small egg C )
1 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp boiling water 

Preheat the oven to 325F / 163C.
Line two large cookie sheets with parchment paper or spray well with spray oil.
Sift the flour into a large bowl.
Stir in the sugar, oats, coconut and raisins.
Make a well in the center.
In a small saucepan, melt the butter and syrup over low heat.
In a small bowl, dissolve the baking soda in boiling water, stir immediately into the melted butter.
Pour the butter mixture into the well in the flour mixture.
With a fork, mix thoroughly.
Mix in the egg until well incorporated.
Drop heaping tablespoons of the dough onto the cookie sheets about 2 inches apart.
Bake until lightly browned, 15-20 minutes.
Cool a few minutes on the sheet and then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Andhra Mutton Curry

Source: Indianmirror
1/2 kg Mutton
3 nos. green cardamoms
6 nos. cloves
1 small stick cinnamon
1 no. onion finely chopped
3 nos. green chilies slit into half
Coriander leaves for garnishing
4 tbsp oil

Marinate ingredients:
1 cup curd
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
1/2 tbsp chili powder
1 tbsp coriander powder
1/2 tbsp turmeric powder
1/2 tbsp garam masala
1/2 tbsp cumin powder
Salt to taste

Clean and wash the mutton pieces.
Marinate the mutton pieces with marinate ingredients for 1 hour.
Take a pan and heat with 4 tbsp of oil.
Add the green cardamom, cloves and cinnamon.  Saute for few seconds.
Then add the chopped onions and green chilies.
Saute till the onion colour turn into golden brown colour.  Then add the marinated mutton pieces and mix well.
Cook until the oil separates on medium flame.
Add 2 cups of water and cover with a lid and cook till the mutton is tender.
Finally garnish with coriander leaves.